
Ember.js Interview Questions and answer

Here are some common Ember.js interview questions along with their answers:

  1. What is Ember.js?
    • Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework used for building scalable single-page web applications. It follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern and provides a rich set of tools and conventions for rapid development.
  2. What are the key features of Ember.js?
    • Ember.js offers features like two-way data binding, templates with handlebars syntax, routing, computed properties, components, dependency injection, testing support, and an ecosystem of add-ons.
  3. Explain the Ember CLI.
    • Ember CLI is a command-line utility for creating, developing, and managing Ember.js applications. It streamlines the development process by providing generators for scaffolding components, routes, models, etc., as well as tools for building, testing, and deploying applications.
  4. What is the Ember Data library used for?
    • Ember Data is a library within the Ember.js ecosystem used for managing model data and communicating with a server-side API. It provides facilities for defining models, performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, handling relationships, and abstracting away the complexities of data synchronization.
  5. How does routing work in Ember.js?
    • Ember.js uses a router to manage application state and URL-based navigation. Routes are defined to represent different application states or pages. When a user navigates to a specific URL, Ember’s router maps that URL to a route and renders the associated template into the application’s outlet.
  6. What is the Ember Object Model?
    • Ember.js extends the JavaScript object model with additional functionality. Ember objects are instances of Ember.Object or its subclasses, which provide features like computed properties, observers, and lifecycle hooks such as init and destroy.
  7. Explain the concept of computed properties in Ember.js.
    • Computed properties in Ember.js are properties whose value is determined by one or more dependent properties. They are declared using the computed function or decorators like @computed in modern Ember.js applications. Computed properties automatically update when their dependencies change, allowing for efficient and declarative data transformations.
  8. What are Ember components?
    • Components in Ember.js are reusable UI elements encapsulating both behavior and presentation. They are defined using the Ember.Component class or the @ember/component decorator and can be composed together to build complex user interfaces. Components have their own lifecycle hooks, properties, and actions.
  9. How does Ember.js support testing?
    • Ember.js provides built-in support for testing through its testing harness, Ember Test. Developers can write unit tests using tools like QUnit or Mocha, acceptance tests with Ember’s test helpers, and integration tests to ensure the correctness of their applications. Ember CLI includes generators for generating test files and a test runner for executing tests.
  10. What are some best practices for Ember.js development?
    • Follow Ember’s naming conventions for files, classes, and methods.
    • Use Ember CLI generators for creating code artifacts.
    • Embrace Ember’s conventions over configuration approach.
    • Keep components small, focused, and reusable.
    • Write tests alongside code to ensure application reliability.
    • Stay up-to-date with Ember.js releases and community best practices.

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