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  • Introduction: When it comes to displaying floating-point numbers in C++, precision and formatting are key. C++ provides various formatting flags that allow you to control how floating-point numbers are presented in output streams. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of float output formatting flags in C++, exploring their usage through practical examples. Understanding Formatting Flags: Formatting flags in C++ are special parameters that control the appearance of output when using input/output operations.…

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  • Introduction: Handling exceptions is an essential aspect of robust programming in C++. When an exception occurs, it’s crucial to provide meaningful information about the error to aid in debugging and error recovery. The what() function, part of the std::exception class in C++, plays a significant role in this process. In this blog post, we’ll explore what what() is, how it works, and its importance in exception handling. What is Exception::what()? In C++, exceptions are objects…

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  • Introduction: Sorting algorithms are fundamental in computer science, playing a crucial role in various applications from databases to search algorithms. Among the myriad of sorting techniques, Quick Sort stands out for its efficiency and simplicity. In this article, we’ll delve into implementing Quick Sort iteratively in C++, a versatile and powerful programming language. What is Quick Sort? Quick Sort, devised by Tony Hoare in 1959, is a highly efficient sorting algorithm based on the divide-and-conquer…

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