
Changing The Site URL in WordPress

There are two fields in WordPress Address (URL) and “Site Address (URL)”. They are important settings, since they control where WordPress is located. These settings control the display of the URL in the admin section of your page, as well as the front end, and are used throughout the WordPress code.

The “Site Address (URL)” setting is the address you want people to type in their browser to reach your WordPress blog.
The “WordPress Address (URL)” setting is the address where your WordPress core files reside.
Note: Both settings should include the http:// part and should not have a slash “/” at the end.

Edit wp-config.php

It is possible to set the site URL manually in the wp-config.php file.

Add these two lines to your wp-config.php, where “” is the correct location of your site.

define( 'WP_HOME', '');
define( 'WP_SITEURL', '');

This is not necessarily the best fix, it’s just hard-coding the values into the site itself. You won’t be able to edit them on the General settings page anymore when using this method.

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