
Top 5 free plugin in wordpress

the most popular content management systems (CMS) on the web, thanks to its flexibility and user-friendly interface. One of the key factors contributing to its popularity is the extensive library of plugins available. Plugins enhance the functionality of your WordPress website, making it easier to customize and optimize for your specific needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top 5 free WordPress plugins.

Wpform Plugin

WordPress Contact Forms is the best plugin It is user-friendly, drag & drop, without coding, 300 pre-built form templates with remove and re-arrange fields, responsive mobile-friendly, dynamic forms with conditional logic, Surveys, polls, and form builder option in this plugin. It uses 5+ million users in WordPress website.


Form Locker addon provide to lock WPforms with different permissions and access control.

Conversational Forms Addon to improve your form conversation rate.

Webhooks addon use integrations that third party connector service like Zapier

Offline Forms Addon provide to save the data or restore their information and send to you.

WPForms Signature addon provides your customer to add their signature while filling out your forms, just by drawing with their mouse.

Post Submission Addon provide to make the frontend publishing process and flexibility

Custom CAPTCHA provide to protect forms anti spam submission

Geolocation Addon provide to collect geolocation data of website visitors with form submission

HubSpot addon provide lead generation form to your HubSpot CRM.

WPForms provide instant notification facility for customers

Contact form 7

Contact Form 7 is very useful and poplu Forms for wordpress websites. It is very customize, powerful and flexible with captcha, Akismet Spam filter.It uses 5+ million users in WordPress website. It is free plugin for wordpress.

Contact Form 7 :– It is Customize your contact form template and also write custom HTML in this form customization.

Mail :– Contact Form 7 can customize the email template and settings with notification emails.
Messages :– It has customize messages with every conditions in message Tab of Contact Form 7.
Additional Settings – 

Contact Form will be demo mode, skip mode, acceptionce mode. Demo mode only process of sending mail and show completed successfully as reponse message.

Skipping mail is simlar like demo mode but the skip mail only send mail not store or not other work perform with flamingo.

Acceptance mode is by default mode on. it does not display error message. if Acceptance mode is on then show error message.

Yoast SEO

There is a lot of wordpress plugin of SEO but Yoast SEO is the best plugin of one. It’s provide multiple option to grow up their pages in search engine rankings.
It is best plugin to beginner’s guide with a lot of video how to configuration plugin their website to show up in search engine.
Yoast Seo is general and pro version plugin in wordpress. It uses 5+ million users in WordPress website.

Yoast Seo plugin have a lot of features and it’s provide multiple option Such as ..

It’s analysis outbound links, images, internal links, Keyphrase length, meta description length, text length and seo title width for your website.

Readability analysis offers suggestions to improve the structure and Cornerstone content feature can help to improve your site.

Insights section in Yoast metabox it’s match keyword is proper to your website or not and it’s provide XML sitemaps option for website.

Webmaster tools integration – Google Search Console, Bing, Baidu and Yandex analyze how to improve your website search engine.

Elementor Builder

Elementor Builder is frontend editor that basic wordpress editor is very simple so website layout is simple not attractive but Elementor provide to editor various type of tools for designing your website without code or css. you make responsive for any version of mode like mobile, tablet and desktop. Basic Elementor plugin is 100% free. if You want to get more advance feature then you will have purchased Pro version of Elementor Plugin at $49 only one site if you want to view pricing list then click here

This user interface is very easy for beginner and user friendly.its has a lot of tools and templete to easy design and customize within few minutes. Elementor provide drag & drop feature for design flexibility you can make design whole website theme like header, footer and content area also.

It’s provide 30+ basic widgets,60+ Pro Widgets, 30+ Basic templates, 300+ Pro templates, Popup builder,Form builder, Live chat,Automatic Backup,Manual Backup and Woocommerce builder etc.

W3 Total Cache:

Page speed is a critical factor for user experience and SEO. W3 Total Cache is a performance optimization plugin that helps your blog load faster by caching static files and reducing server load. It’s user-friendly and can significantly improve your website’s loading times.

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