
Understanding PHP’s include() and require() Functions: Key Differences and Best Practices

In PHP, both include() and require() are essential functions used to insert the content of one PHP file into another. This modular approach allows developers to reuse code efficiently and maintain a cleaner, more organized project structure. However, while they might seem similar on the surface, there are critical differences between these two functions that impact how they handle errors and affect the flow of a PHP script.

What is include()?

The include() function in PHP is used to incorporate the contents of a specified file into the calling file during runtime. This can be HTML, PHP code, or even another script. The main characteristic of include() is that it allows for non-fatal errors. If the specified file cannot be found or included, PHP will emit a warning, but the script will continue to execute.


echo "Welcome to my website!";

In this case, header.php will be inserted at the point where include() is called. If header.php doesn’t exist, PHP will throw a warning, but the message “Welcome to my website!” will still display.

Key Features of include():
  • Non-fatal error: If the file is missing, a warning is issued, but the script continues to run.
  • Dynamic inclusion: Can be used inside loops or conditionals, allowing for flexible inclusion of files based on certain conditions.

What is require()?

The require() function behaves similarly to include(), but with one major difference: error handling. When using require(), if the specified file is not found, PHP will emit a fatal error and halt the execution of the script. This is useful when the script absolutely needs the contents of that file to function properly.

echo "Website configuration loaded!";

In this example, if config.php is missing, PHP will stop executing and output a fatal error. The message “Website configuration loaded!” will not be printed.

Key Features of require():
  • Fatal error: If the file is missing, the script stops execution immediately.
  • Strict inclusion: Should be used when the script cannot proceed without the file being included.

Differences Between include() and require()

  1. Error Handling:
    • include(): Issues a warning if the file is not found, but the script continues to run.
    • require(): Issues a fatal error and stops the script if the file is missing.
  2. Use Case:
    • include(): Ideal when the file is not essential for the rest of the script to run smoothly. For example, non-critical resources like banners, footers, or analytics scripts.
    • require(): Should be used for files that are crucial for the operation of the script, such as database connections, configuration files, or core logic.

When to Use Each

  • Use require() when the missing file is critical to the functioning of your application. For example, in cases where your application relies on a configuration file, a missing file could lead to serious issues like failed database connections or missing constants. In these cases, halting execution is preferable to letting the script continue.
  • Use include() for files that are less critical, such as reusable UI elements like headers or footers. If these files are missing, the script can continue to run, and you can implement fallback mechanisms to handle missing components gracefully.

Variants: include_once() and require_once()

PHP also provides two variants: include_once() and require_once(). These ensure that the file is included only once during the script execution, even if it’s referenced multiple times.

  • include_once(): Similar to include(), but prevents multiple inclusions of the same file.

require_once(): Similar to require(), but ensures the file is included only once, even if called multiple times in different parts of the code.


These functions are useful when you need to prevent duplicate code from being loaded multiple times, which could lead to issues like function redefinitions or variable conflicts.

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